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Find Your Dream Wedding Photographer near Manila

Instantly book the best wedding photographers near Manila. Secure, easy, and unforgettable.

How It Works?

Why Choose SnapsPH for Your Wedding?

Local Expertise

Our photographers know Manila's unique beauty and how to capture it.

Verified Users

Every photographer is required to present identification documents.

Sameless Booking

From selection to payment, our process is designed for your convenience.

Customer Support

Our team is here to ensure your experience is smooth and satisfying.


Payments can be made using various methods, including credit or debit cards, Maya, GCash, Visa, American Express, JCB, and QR Ph.

SnapsPH doesn’t take anything from your fellow snapper – means they get 100% off their set rates! 💙

To provide you with the best and most convenient experience, a small gateway fee – is charged by our partner payment provider, and a small 99 PHP is charged by SnapsPH on your successful booking transaction.

  • For bookings that is still pending confirmation from the Snapper, this is 100% FREE from any fees and can be cancelled anytime.
  • For confirmed bookings that are conducted within the same day, you can cancel the booking without any fees until 5 PM of that day. Any cancellations past 5 PM, may be subjected to cancellation fees from payment gateway provider.
  • Advance Bookings: Confirmed advanced bookings – needs to be requested to be cancelled 7 days prior to the scheduled date (for non-major events*) and at least 14 days (for major events**). Cancellation made past these period may result to penalties and fees by payment gateway provider and the booked snapper***.
These policies ensure that you as a client are given flexibility and options should any unexpected changes happen while ensuring as well that your chosen snapper is given fair protection from any loss from cancellations.

*Non-Major events include: Portrait shoot, Personal shoot, Appointment-based service, and service value is less than 5,000 PHP.
**Major include but not limited to: Wedding Services, Birthday and Debut Photoshoot, and service value is equal to 5,000 PHP or more.

*** Snappers may offer 0% cancellation fees depending on policy set on each package. If the snapper offers 0% cancellaton fee, only fees incurred by the payment gateway provider may be deducted for REFUNDS. Refund processing time vary depending on selected payment method.