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Dashboard for Snappers

  • Service Analytics:
    • This feature can be found in the main view of your dashboard. It provides a visual representation of your service’s performance, including visitor statistics and bookings over selectable time periods. Use the dropdown menus to filter data by specific criteria such as visit types or listing categories.
  • Earnings:
    • Your earnings are displayed prominently in two sections on your dashboard. The first is your “Withdrawable Balance,” which indicates the funds you can currently withdraw. This is usually highlighted in green for easy visibility.
    • The second is your “Total Earnings,” displayed in orange, showing the cumulative total of what you’ve earned.
    • Additionally, there’s an ‘Earnings’ box that will list individual earnings once they start accumulating.
  • Payout Methods:
    • This section is dedicated to managing how you receive your earnings. It allows you to add, edit, or remove payment methods. As you begin to earn, you’ll use this area to set up where your payments should be sent.
  • Payout History:
    • Adjacent to the Payout Methods, this part of the dashboard keeps a log of all payouts made to you. It is a useful record-keeping tool that helps you track your payment history and confirm that you’ve received your earnings.

These sections of the dashboard are designed to give you quick and easy access to the most important financial aspects of your services. As you use the platform and your services become active, these areas will update automatically with your data.

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