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Navigating the Messages Feature

Accessing the Messages Page:

  • On the dashboard, find and select the ‘Messages’ option in the main navigation menu. Look for the envelope icon just below the ‘Dashboard’ link.

Understanding the Inbox Layout:

  • Clicking on ‘Messages’ brings you to your Inbox, where you’ll find communications related to each booking. This includes client inquiries, follow-ups, and messages sent after the booking is made.

Managing Your Messages:

  • Your messages are centrally located. Each message in your inbox is tied to a specific booking reservation and will show the sender’s name, a snippet of the message, and when it was sent.
  • If there are no messages, you’ll see, “You don’t have any messages yet.”

Replying to Messages:

  • To respond to a client, click on their message. You’ll see the full conversation thread where you can type your reply in the ‘Your Message’ box and send it.

Remember: Messages cannot be deleted, archived, or marked as important to ensure transparency and maintain complete records of your communications.

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