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Updating Your Profile Information

  • To update your profile, select ‘My Profile’ from the sidebar menu on your dashboard.
  • In the ‘Profile Details’ section:
    • Click ‘Upload Avatar’ to add or change your profile picture.
    • Enter your ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ as you would like them to appear on your profile.
    • Set a ‘Display Name’ that will be visible to other users on the platform.
    • Verify that your ‘E-mail’ address is correct, as this is essential for communication and notifications.
    • Use the ‘About me’ box to give a brief description of yourself or your business.
    • Fill in your ‘Phone’ number for contact purposes.
  • Under the ‘Social’ section:
    • Provide links to your social media profiles, such as ‘Twitter’, ‘Facebook’, ‘LinkedIn’, ‘Instagram’, ‘YouTube’, ‘Skype’, and ‘Whatsapp’, to enhance your connectivity with clients.
  • To change your password:
    • Enter your ‘Current Password’ and then your ‘New Password’. Confirm the new password by re-entering it in the ‘Confirm New Password’ field.
    • Remember that your new password should be at least 12 characters long for security purposes.
  • After making your updates, click ‘Save Changes’ to apply them to your profile.

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